Oral Health
One way we support the children is by delivering materials beneficial for their Oral Health, such as Toothbrushes, Toothpaste and such. This is made possible by the support of many Dental Practises across Scotland, particularly North Road Dental Practise in Bellshill and Park Dental Company in Uddingston.
Lynne McDonald (Project Gambia's Vice-Chairperson), who is also a Dental Nurse, is able to deliver lessons to the children at St. John's, St. Patrick's and St. Joseph's Schools on Oral Health yearly, when she visits The Gambia as part of the Annual November Aid Mission.
These items are greatly needed in The Gambia - where Oral Health is vastly overlooked. As such, we are always looking for items which are beneficial to the Oral Health of the children. Therefore, if this is something which you would like to get involved in, please get in touch using the Contact Form on our Website, or using the details provided at the bottom of this page.

Sanitary Products
SInce 2018, we have been supplying the Female Pupils with Sanitary Towels. This is something which is of great use to them, for a variety of reasons. Our supplying of thousands of Sanitary Towels is made possible by our fantastic supporters - making donations of Sanitary Towels whenever we appeal for them.
Special thanks go to Cardinal Newman High School in Bellshill, Anita Brown, Tammie Savage and other supporters who allow us to supply each Pupil who needs them with an adequete supply of Sanitary Products!